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“We don’t know what to do, but our eyes are on you” 2 Chronicles 20:12 (NIV).


2020 was a challenging year for all of us. A global pandemic, subsequent economic troubles in every nation, and the emotional and psychological strain have left most of us uncertain of what to expect in the New Year.


In 2 Chronicles 20 we read of the uprising of three eastern armies against King Jehoshaphat and the tribe of Judah. The challenge was great, odds of a victory improbable, and their future unsure. But instead of wringing their hands in fear or preparing to battle on their own strength, King Jehoshaphat invited the people to reject their human reactions and look beyond their present circumstance. He called for the people to seek God and he prayed a powerful prayer, “we don’t know what to do, but our eyes are on you.”


As we enter 2021, the challenges of 2020 are fresh on our minds. However, if we seek Him in humility, the promise of 2 Chronicles 20:17 can be ours, “You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you … Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the Lord will be with you.’”






MESSAGE OF HOPE - January 3, 2021

Join General Overseer Sam Clements and guests for a "Message of Hope" to kick-off our annual season of seeking on Sunday, January 3, 2021. Time to be announced.




Night of Prayer Simulcast Event - January 17, 2021

You are also invited to join us for our Night of Prayer simulcast being held Sunday, January 17 at 7 pm ET, live from the Church of God of Prophecy International Offices. The evening will feature directed prayer times by global leaders and ministers, as well as a live prayer line for submitting your prayer requests. Join us at or on Facebook at


Lakeside Church exists to Glorify God, Equip Believers, and Share the Gospel and Our Lives. We desire to exist beyond the walls of our church, and serve our community with excellence, reaching them with the love of Christ in all that we do.




5576 HWY 31E

Westmoreland, TN 37186


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